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St Joseph & St James's Primary School, Poyntzpass

Spring has definitely sprung!

25th Mar 2022

We just couldn’t resist- we had to get outside to search for signs of spring to fit with our topic of Spring Life.

 We had already noticed a nest built in the tree just outside the classroom and were delighted to find that a thrush has laid 3 beautiful blue speckled eggs in it! Just a week or two to wait before the chicks hatch - if the parent birds can keep the magpies away.🤞

On a walk through the conservation area we observed so many flowers and buds growing : Lenten roses, baby leaves budding, blossoms just coming, narcissi and the faithful common dandelions - so important for bees.
Molly even found a snail shell - a bird must have enjoyed a good meal that day!

Have a look at all the things we found.